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China Film Animation

China Film Animation online


Turbo Boy.

Ma Xiao Tiao (Naughty Boy)

Road to Beijing

Santa Claus Comes to China

Santa Claus Comes to China

Running time: 80 minutes
Genre Animation/Adventure
Audience: Teenagersr
Status: Pre-Production
Presented by: Han Sanping
Director: Wang Chuan
Screenplay: Allen Hatcher
Principle cast: To be confirmed
Country: China
Language: Chinese/English (Can be dubbed in any language)
Year of production: 2007/2008

China Film Animation Ltd Presents


Two promising Chinese kids wade through difficulties and dangers to go to the North Pole and get the help of a good friend—polar bear on the way. All they seek is the answer to two questions:

1. Why haven’t they received any gifts from Santa Claus?
2. Why doesn’t Santa Claus come to China?

They kids are determined to help Santa Claus accomplish this great task.
Feeling quite guilty, Santa Claus decides to expand the factory and equip his operation with the latest, advanced communications devices and media such as mobile phones, a website, email, online chat, etc. Finally, Santa Claus, Elf and the kids manage to produce a large number of gifts that can meet the requirements of all Chinese children.
In view of the huge number of Chinese kids, Santa Claus’ reindeer carriage has to take along some kids to help deliver gifts nationwide. Happily, all the gifts are successfully delivered to every child in China on Christmas morning.

© 2008 DoubleBridge International Group, Inc.