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Business Solutions provides a range of consulting and research services to American companies doing or planning to do business in China.

DBIG is one of the most diverse and capable China specialist firms in IT marketing, IT outsourcing, Energy and new Energy fields. The firm has expertise in many areas, including market entry, location strategy, supplier selection, government relations and regulation, staff recruitment and retention, and Chinese business practices.

DBIG serves small to medium size clients with revenues ranging from $5 million to $1 billion.

Indeed, the breadth and depth of the firm’s expertise allows DBIG to quickly assemble the best project team in both the USA and China to address our clients’ varied needs. Through a wide range of tailored services, we help our clients better achieve their goals in the China market and to build a win-win relationship with their Chinese partners.

At DBIG, we understand and appreciate the challenges that each client faces in doing business in China. We take pride in being responsive to our clients and the work we do for them.

DBIG Business Solutions offers you a range of business consulting and research services—strategic tools that help clients better manage the risks and rewards of doing business in China.

We deliver:

Connections to leading Chinese academics, companies and government departments.

Intelligence gathered through our networks in most of China’s major cities and provinces.

Analyses conducted by professional consultants with intrinsic knowledge of business strategy and execution in China.

High Tech market Research and IT Sourcing

Where do I start? That’s the question that plagues every executive who wants to evaluate whether to expand operations to China or to use China as a manufacturing resource.

DoubleBridge International Group can help you find the answers to your questions and help you evaluate the pros and cons of any opportunity you might wish to pursue.  

We deliver the following:

Analyses conducted by professional consultants with intrinsic knowledge of business strategy and execution in China.

Marketing entry research and execution

IT products localization

IT products support in China.

IT products R&D

Connections to leading Chinese academics, companies and government departments.

Intelligence gathered through our networks in most of China’s major cities and provinces.

Joint Venture Opportunities

  • DoubleBridge International Group will give you access to a list of more than 300, legitimate, joint-venture proposals endorsed by municipal and regional governments across China. These documents include project proposals for acquiring or mining raw materials, mining equipment, processing, refining, power plants, new energy, environmental protection and environmental clean-up.
  • Work with you to identify potential and reputable joint-venture partners in China before you leave the USA.
  • Arrange for you to speak with potential joint-venture partners at the Expo or in personal meetings while you are in China. We will use our extensive local knowledge, ongoing relationships and experience to select only the best candidates for you.
  • Arrange for you to speak with experienced consultants specializing in Chinese government policy, legal and trade issues.
  • Reserve your very own personal translator who will help you to communicate with your potential venture partners and professional consultants.
  • Work with you to acquire a travel visa to enter China.
  • Help you with all your travel arrangements and appointment-setting.

    Success Stories

  • Helped a top US speech technology company conduct an analysis of the China market to find an IT research and development partner; helped to define entry strategy.
  • Helped a US national brokerage company to outsource its IT department to China.
  • Helped a NYSE listed USA oil company to transfer its overseas asserts to one of the biggest oil and gas companies in China.
  • Helped with the safe transfer of oil field technology from a Russian company to one of the biggest oil and chemical companies in China.
  • Helped to initiate dialogue between one of China’s biggest coal companies and one of the USA’s richest coal-producing states.


    © 2004 DoubleBridge International Group